A Clarke Falconry Customer Spotlight - Marjo 

Next up under the customer spotlight is Marjo. Below is an interesting interview where Marjo details her ambitions and her journey into the Falconry world. Enjoy! 

Tell us something about yourself and your journey into Falconry. 

My name is Marjo. I'm 42 now and live in the Netherlands. I started working with raptors by chance and quite late in life when I was already 38. I worked with a lot of animals since I was young though, most specific horses but also cats and dogs. I still own two cats besides my birds of prey. 

What inspired you to start Falconry?

Aside from always admiring them from a distance, working with them started a bit like an accident. I met Arjan, and he already had raptors, so I started training with him and from one thing came another, ending in me having three birds of my own and helping him with his birds and all the young ones and breeding pairs.

What was your first bird? 

My first bird was my African or spotted eagle-owl, Feline. She was a gift from my boyfriend who decided I was ready for a bird of my own.

What is your favourite bird to fly? 

Difficult question. I think Sarabi since she always wants to fly with me. Her enthusiasm is very contagious

What is the most memorable moment you have experienced in Falconry to date? 

Seeing Mowgli fly free. He was a wildcard, and we didn't know if he would ever fly free after spending his first nine months in a dirty cage in a backyard. We were there to buy another owl, but I fell for him the moment I saw him. Not a moment's regret!

Do you work full-time Falconry? 


What is the part of Falconry you enjoy the most? 

Training young birds.

If you have one ambition or goal in Falconry, what is that? 

Spend all my time between the birds as I still have a job aside from the Raptors at the moment. 

What's your dream bird to fly? 

Difficult. I'm a bit torn between a Palm Nut Vulture and a Milky Eagle-Owl.

For those new to Falconry or thinking about getting started, what would be your one bit of valuable advice? 

Get as much information from as many falconers as possible. Nobody has all the wisdom and what works perfectly for somebody might not work at all for you, so find your way in all this.

What's your favourite A Clarke Falconry equipment? Kindly tell us why. 

The anklets!! So easy to put on and off, so gentle on the feathers and VERY sturdy! Although the falconry bags come very close. 😉

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